This blog will grow from my work, at the United Methodist Board of Church and Society, work that I love, connecting the ministry of the church with making a difference in the world. Moving out of the pews into the streets to stand for progressive, faithful change.

Location: Manassas, Virginia, United States

I work with the United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society which is located in the United Methodist Building next to the Supreme Court on Capitol Hill. (amazing real estate!) In my work I train church leaders and members about faith and public policy issues and how they can be engaged in the process. I began work at GBCS Feb. 1, 2001. So George Bush has been in his office one week longer than me (a coincidence that's not my fault). In my previous life I served as a pastor in South Carolina and Virginia for about 16 years. Now my wife, Denise, is the only pastor in our family and I'm the pastor's spouse. We have two sensational daughters, Allison and Carly who are 21 and 17.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Undocumented workers

Once again I spent a good bit of time in my Social Principles training session at the Chevy Chase UMC UMW luncheon last Saturday highlighting the current debate over "illegal immigrants."

Why do we call them "illegals" anyway? I've been stopped for speeding a couple of times - it's illegal but no one goes around calling me one of the "illegals." But these people who come to the US because 1) its too dangerous to live at their homelands or 2) they can't make a decent living for their families in their homelands or 3) they are recruited by US farmers (the farm laborers) or US industries (the high tech immigrants) and then they're condemned for being here.

How many times in the scripture do we read of people doing the exact same thing. Seeking a new life, better life, safer life, food and security. Jesus and his family fled to Egypt for his safety. Moses and his followers fled from Egypt for their "promised land". Joseph got sent away to Egypt but ended up doing alright for himself anyway. Later his dad and brothers immigrated to egypt in search of food. That's the way things have been forever and a day and for about that long their have been judgmental people on the recieving end of the immigration equation saying - "Don't give them a thing. They're like stray dogs, feed them and they'll never leave." As a Christian I can't say that. Again - we need to ask ourselves - What would Jesus do? That's a ligitimate question for anyone who says they want to be a follower of Christ. What would Jesus do?


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